Thursday, June 16, 2016

Where do these exclusive teachings originate from?

Discovery Channel Documentary Where do these exclusive teachings originate from? What is there unique source? These internal teachings go far over into the inaccessible fogs of time, before written history, however we can at any rate follow them back to a few a large number of years and to later times, to the old Egyptian secret schools, the Eleusinian Mysteries of Greece, the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, the Druidic Mysteries, Dionysian Mysteries, the Orphic Mysteries, the Pythagorean logic, the Hebrew Cabbala, the initiatory school of Moria-el, the Essenes, Jesus Christ's teachings, et cetera. In any case, the wellsprings of these schools and secret teachings basically originate from the old and enchanted White Brotherhood (existing in the higher planes) and its emissaries who have strolled the Earth for a few a large number of years, instructing and edifying individuals of all countries. To refer to a case, Moria-el was an extraordinary expert from the White Brotherhood who lived around 1300 B.C. in Egypt. He started innumerable souls through a specific start we as of now call Baptism, for he underlined the enchanted ceremony of inundation by water, a type of otherworldly cleansing that arranged every spirit for further enlightenment. Actually, the start of Baptism was proceeded by John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, turning into a typical custom in the Christian holy places, despite the fact that its exclusive level is misjudged by most.

What do these Ancient Wisdom Teachings comprise of? When all is said in done, they included otherworldly starts, speculative chemistry, sacrosanct ceremony (or holy observances), imagery, general standards, profound teaches and practices, various different sciences and expressions, and so forth. These frequently show through different diverse structures, frameworks, and schools or conventions, contingent upon the specific land and culture and period. As a rule they showed through vehicles such Shamanism, Hermeticism, the Cabbala, the Tarot, Eastern and Oriental customs, Gnosticism, Theosophy, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, et cetera. Despite the fact that the dominant part of world religions are exoteric, there are obscure levels inside them that lone their instructors and understudies will recognize. Be that as it may, the vital go for the Greater Work of the consecrated Wisdom Teachings is to raise the cognizance of humanity, to elevate individuals into a higher vibrational level, through Illumination and the other incredible Initiations, with the goal that they will in the long run enter Cosmic Consciousness. Now they will get to be Masters of Life who will reach down and lift others up too. Thus the infinite cycle proceeds, until all individuals from humanity inevitably get to be illuminated. The Age of World Illumination is near drawing closer.


Give us a chance to wander back so as to view the development of the cognizance of humanity and perceive how it has advanced. In the first place, our reality appeared to be vast to the point that we couldn't understand it, or its real parameters. In those primitive times, we scarcely appreciated anything past the following skyline. Our reasoning procedure was in like manner restricted, for we knew next to no of our own reality, nor of our own inception.

In the early phases of mankind, our ideas of numerous things around us were restricted, in light of the fact that our brains were not yet progressed or sufficiently developed to consider or appreciate them. In any case, this created with time, as we progressively extended our reasoning procedures and mindfulness as we basically longed to know more. Accordingly, the "internal being" was arousing. It deep down built up the human vehicle, gradually however without a doubt. The God inside needed to set up the human sanctuary for consequent full habitation, however the development of this procedure would take numerous a huge number of years.

In the end, pilgrims found what lie past the quick skyline, and considerably further, for voyagers wandered over the oceans and seas, finding different grounds, so our field of mindfulness consumed. In like manner, rationalists and instructors arrived, who expanded our mental and profound skylines of this world and levels past. This continuous movement in learning of our planet Earth and past is typical of the growing mindfulness and cognizance of humankind on all levels; rationally, profoundly, and physically indistinguishable. All through time, as we take in more, and turn out to be more open, and longing to know more, our insight increments; even our innovativeness creates. This is common human development.

A few centuries back, numerous individuals trusted the Earth was level, for the possibility of a round world was new at the time, aside from a couple of scholars who knew not. Around four centuries back, the vast majority trusted the Earth was the focal point of the universe, and this crazy thought was interlaced into chapel precept; consequently, numerous dynamic researchers or rationalists were extremely mistreated, some executed for their sins. Before long, as stargazing propelled, humankind had no real option except to acknowledge the new truth that the Earth was only one of a few planets that circumnavigated the sun, the genuine focal point of our prompt universe, or nearby planetary group for this situation. The possibility of our neighborhood cosmic system, the Milky Way, or the multitudinous worlds that make up the entire universe was still obscure in those early days, if not unimaginable.

With constant headways of the telescope as innovation created, we see further into space, watching that there is much outside of our little nearby planetary group, and even past the billions and billions of stars in our Milky Way system, that there are innumerable cosmic systems past this. Our familiarity with the unlimited universe has expanded past what we would have ever imagined one hundred years back, also four hundred years. We can be particularly grateful for the Hubble telescope for uncovering to us innumerable lovely ponders of our limitless universe. We may not up 'til now have the capacity to go to the stars, yet our creative ability has taken a long ways through the medium of sci-fi in achieving this, maybe making ready for setting us up for such travel, a thought absolutely incomprehensible a couple of hundreds of years back.

Worldwide investigation died down in the most recent hundreds of years and offered approach to space investigation, the new boondocks. Another case of the development of humankind's cognizance is shown in the astronauts= circling of the Earth and arrivals on the Moon. While before we had a dubious thought with respect to what our planet precisely resembled, now we have an unmistakable perspective of it from space and from the surface of the Moon, and film footage and photography to exhibit this for all to see. This movement is extremely typical of our profound unfoldment, from the outlook of how we come to encounter our actual selves; not as we think we seem to be, but rather as we really may be, as we glimpse profound inside at this point. Pretty much as the space travelers uncovered to whatever is left of humankind what Earth genuinely resembles, so do the educators of truth demonstrate to us proper methodologies to search inside and see the truth of our own internal identities. The acknowledgment of the God-being inside for every spirit is one of the larger amounts of the Esoteric Initiations, and moreover one of the essential parts of Ancient Wisdom Teachings.

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