Thursday, June 16, 2016

I can let you know unquestionably that the patriarch David kicked

Documentary 2016 "Siblings, I can let you know unquestionably that the patriarch David kicked the bucket and was covered, and his tomb is here right up 'til today." Peter utilized the confirmation of ancient times to demonstrate the significance of prescience concerning Jesus in Acts 2:29.


Abel Beth Maacah-unexcavated hill, city spared by "insightful lady" in II Samuel 20:14-22.

Absalom's Pillar-situated in Kidron Valley east of Jersualem, specified in II Samuel 18:18.

Accho(now called Acre) - city specified in Judges 1:31.

Aczib-city which the tribe of Asher neglected to take, specified in Judges 1:31.

Adullam-mystery hollow of David in I Samuel 22:1.

Ai-Joshua smoldered this city specified in Joshua 8:28.

Akeldama-Potter's Field where Judas hanged himself, specified in Matthew 27:6-10.

Amarna-tablets (dated 1400 B.C.) in this Egyptian city contain a letter from the leader of Urusalem (Jerusalem) cautioning the Pharaoh that every one of the urban communities of Canaan are blockaded by the Khabiri (Hebrews).

Anathoth-main residence of Abiathar the minister said in I Kings 2:26 and of the prophet Jeremiah specified in Jeremiah 1:1.

Antioch-specified in Acts 11:26, unearthed in 1932, city where followers were initially called Christians.

Antipatris-specified in Acts 23:31, city where Paul was taken collared.

Arabah-a dry valley named in Joshua 18:18.

Ararat - mountains where Noah's ark rested in Genesis 8:4; expansive stones used to balance out a huge antiquated boat are found in the region of Mount Lubar (a heap of Ararat).

Areopagus-likewise called Mars Hill in Athens, said in Acts 17:17, where Paul lectured about the "Obscure God" landmark found in 1903 in city of Pergamum.

Ashdod-Philistines took the ark of God here in I Samuel 5:5, exhumed in 1962 which affirmed demolition by Uzziah ruler of Judah said in II Chronicles 26:6.

Ashkelon-exhumed in 1921, city said in Judges 1:18.

Asaiah - a seal impression was found with the words "Asaiah hireling of the lord" specified in II Kings 22:12,14 and II Chronicles 34:20; he was one who King Josiah summoned to ask of Huldah the prophetess concerning the lost Book of the Law.

Asshur-child of Shem in Genesis 10:22, first capital city of Assyria and named in Numbers 24:22, exhumed in 1853.


Babylon(Babel) - unearthed in 1899, first specify as Babel in Genesis 10:10, additionally found was the establishment of the "Place of the Foundation Platform (tower) of Heaven and Earth" in Genesis 11, likewise mud tablets alluding to Jehoiachin lord of Judah said in II Kings 24:12,15.

Baruch child of Neriah - a seal of this recorder was found, who recorded the expressions of Jeremiah as specified in Jeremiah 36:4.

Beersheba-named by Abraham who burrowed a well still found there, specified in Genesis 21:30-32, found in 1874.

Bethany-town of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, specified in John 12:1.

Bethel-God uncovered himself to Jacob who named this spot in Genesis 35:2-7, exhumed in 1954.

Beth Shearim-In this town, the tomb of the group of Rabbi Gamaliel is found. He was the grandson of Hillel, originator of the faction of Pharisees. He was additionally the instructor of Paul and an individual from the Sanhedrin. Gamaliel gave his conclusion and cautioning about the service of Peter and alternate messengers in Acts 5:34-40. The straightforward engraving on the tomb understands, "This [tomb] is of the Rabbi Gamaliel."

Bethesda-found in 1888 with its segments and yards, pool in Jerusalem where Jesus mended a man debilitated for a long time, said in John 5:2.

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