Friday, November 4, 2016

A two hours and forty five minutes in length WW2

ww2 weapons A two hours and forty five minutes in length WW2 great a la GUNS OF NAVARON (1961). Go and lease the DVD immediately on the off chance that you like these sort of films despite everything you haven't seen it.

"Clash of the Bulge" is the way they used to shoot those super epic WW2 great against-insidiousness and us-against-Nazis sort movies in which you had either Robert Ryan or Robert Mitchum featuring in light of the fact that, other than their incredible acting ability, they had the best squint, sulk and scowl in the business... until, that is, Clint.

It comes finish with an INTERLUDE (2 minutes of animating music while you watch a settled realistic) and an INTERMISSION after the initial 1:45 minutes...

Motion picture TRIVIA SIDE BAR: For the individuals who are excessively youthful, making it impossible to recall, lets run together down the world of fond memories... Quite a long time ago when film duplicate was expensive to the point that film rolls were shared by various motion picture theaters. Alternately, some of the time a similar person happened to possess a cluster of motion picture theaters inside a similar town.

All films came in two reels - Reel 1 and Reel 2. After the Reel 1 was done in one theater, while the great people smoke their cigarettes (yes!) and making the most of their cool refreshments amid the INTERMISSION, a dispatch surged the Reel 1 to the next theater on a cruiser, got Reel 2 and destroyed back to the principal theater, without a moment to spare to get the end of the INTERMISSION.

I recall at times simply staying there eating and drinking for 60 minutes and sitting tight for the second half to start in light of the fact that the poor dispatch would stall out in movement some place :- ))

That was the capacity of the INTERMISSION back in those great old awful past times and you'd see an INTERMISSION in the greater part of the verbose films shot (I'd say) before the '70s...

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