Tuesday, September 20, 2016

In the motion picture "The Matrix" the character Neo

WW2 Documentary In the motion picture "The Matrix" the character Neo knows on a profound level that something isn't right with the world, with reality. He just knows, from a gut and instinctive level, there is something or somebody molding and controlling the world for purposes far expelled from humankind's best advantages.

In "The Matrix" Neo finds that he and other people are just crude assets to be controlled and abused by an almighty framework to a definitive advantage of barbaric Elites (for this situation, robots). Be that as it may, for all intents and purposes nobody has an idea in the matter of what is truly going on and rather experience their whole lives in absolute enslavement and subjection while accepting and believing each aspect of the manufactured reality gave to them. Notwithstanding, some have awoken to the enormity of such a totalitarian lie and have taken up the battle for basic human nobility and self-assurance, which eventually demonstrates effective.

Sounds like a decent story, correct?

On the planet you and I live in the circumstance is precisely the same.

Since generally the end of World War ll the US has ruled the globe with the most intense apparatus of control history has ever known: the Dollar. The subsequent American domain has been politically and financially capable on the grounds that:

• each country has been constrained to lead global business in the US dollar.

• the US has more than 735 army installations in more than 130 unique nations.

Without the assent, collaboration, and impulse of other people on the planet the dollar would stop to exist. What's more, that is on account of, just, the dollar has no quality and it has no worth outside of the devotion and reliability of the US Government. In a matter of seconds the United States is "dealing with" the dollar by making new obligation by the trillions, burdening its nationals into bankruptcy, and pursuing various "asset wars" in the Middle East. It's an exemplary picture of realm over-augmentation and edgy measures to attempt and expand existing conditions of the elites and their aggregate monetary world control, and to keep up the fake reality of the normal desensitized out and stupefied American native.

At this moment, at the present time, the whole political and monetary world framework is awakening to the completely over the top suggestion that they are here on earth to bolster and advance the interests and lives of the American Empire Elites. They have understood the main move they need to make is to decline to purchase our obligation and asset our framework. As such, they are removing the "coin."

In the event that you are perusing these words than you know sufficiently wakeful to find for yourself what is going and to make a move and to start to manage the genuine reality of what is going on the planet at this moment. Notwithstanding your past dollar/US experience, you ought to and need to assess and judge the significance of what the world is effectively doing at this moment to secure and position themselves for the fore-gone determination of an aggregate and last crumple of the dollar. The confirmation is overpowering and the fantasy is effortlessly penetrated. What's more, what you will discover is that the framework you have served your whole life is effectively bypassed. You should simply start to make tracks in an opposite direction from an aggregate introduction to, and reliance on, the US Dollar. That is it.

Gold is genuine and everlasting cash, esteemed by everybody all through the world and whenever ever. Gold stands absolutely separated from the US Dollar and political framework. It is not allowed esteem by any legislature or individual, it is quality itself and the authentic benchmark for riches and success. All through history gold has been known as "cash protection" since it will dependably safeguard your riches, you're acquiring influence, paying little mind to the disappointment and execution of the overarching paper money or political framework. Also, in particular gold is presently "remonetization" and re-building up itself as a world store cash.

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