Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Homer said there were nineteen fights and we know

WW2 Battle Homer said there were nineteen fights and we know there was a 400 year dim age that tailed this puzzling period which has practically been deified in children's stories about wooden stallions and reasonable ladies. We have given proofs of white men in the Americas at spots like Poverty Point and the mouth of the Amazon (there is considerably more in the "riddles" segment) and in addition allover the world. The victor of the fight in America for the gold or copper and different things like cocaine may well have been the general population who stayed behind and chose to have nothing to do with their Empire-building nobles back home. Who really won this war is past my capacity to observe. It appears the Phoenicians and Berbers or 'Ocean People' worked as privateers for a long time to come. They had been attempting to set up some sort of political soundness to lead sensible business from the season of the Hyksos Kings in 1800 BC.

At the point when did 'Greek Fire' really turn into a helpful weapon and how did oil get to be napalm? What science was lost amid and after this obviously extended time of war between belief systems? There is no reasonable country or union of city-expresses that existed before or after this genuinely awful period or hundreds of years of fighting that started with the ouster of Ariadne from Crete, if not some time recently. We think normal gas was utilized as a part of conjunction with phosphorus and different chemicals known not operators amid this war however that it didn't create the sort of warmth that vitrifies rock. I think the Biblical stories of cutting down the dividers of Jericho may identify with ultrasound or 'the lost harmony'.

It is exceedingly likely that loyalties moved and new organizations together or soldiers traveled every which way. The Kelts of the Danube zone including the Amazons may even have isolated from their Thracian neighbors and the Uighurs may have picked up a ton by taking up with the Semitic leftovers of a formerly Phoenician Anatolian bunch including Sargon and Hammurabi whose morals obviously conflicted with the ladies or populist methods of past island powers. The Milesians who went to Epirus and later Etruria (the Bruttii) plainly evaded by Trojan narrative of Homer and their own antiquarians. Pont and the Armenians would appear to be Hittites who were still known not given ladies the privilege to possess land like their sibling Hurrians in the time 2000 BC. as indicated by Agatha Christie and her paleontologist spouse; yet maybe they consented to battle regardless of this in the interest of their neighbors who were patristic. Perhaps they stayed unbiased like Canada did in Viet Nam or as impartial as other people who offer themselves to the most astounding bidder amid extended clashes.

It is informational to take a gander at the fallout and note the Greeks were partnered with Phoenicians who gave them their dialect and (we appeared) permitted them free access to their ports regardless of the fact that they took their spouses and girls. Some of these Greek states appear to be entirely Phoenician at a few times. Be that as it may, when the Greeks turned on their partners in Sicily at Syracuse much later would they say they were giving just desserts to their rulers and experts? At the point when Alexander extended his Empire he made a settlement with the Kelts, and this is surely understood history; however which Kelts? Was there a Druidic worldwide board that could arouse the Keltic clandoms in coordinated war? No! In any case, there was such a course of action for some different things of society and science or business, it shows up. Possibly Alexander was a Kelt himself and he made manages heaps of different clandoms like the Galatians who wound up in what is presently Turkey and was some time ago Pont (another got name from Phoenix/Phoenician/Punt/Finias and so on.).

Iberia got to be home to numerous Milesians and I trust these were Iberians from the Caspian Iberia which has a capital called Tiflis, now. Unmistakably numerous Kelts did a reversal to Ireland and Britain from even before the Hyksos period as the Beaker individuals in 2200 BC. what's more, it creates the impression that numerous more came in 1500 BC. Was the Trojan War only an expansion of the Hyksos wars? Troy III was called Aa-Mu and the Phoenician Brotherhood may well have included leftovers of Harappa and Mu (SE Asia?). Pythagoras had a Phoenician guardian, yet at this point the Brotherhood appears to have been part into numerous groups. He conflicted with the Sybarites as we probably am aware and they were united with the Etruscans who were partnered with Carthage against the Phocaean/Milesians or Iberians who appeared to be separate from their Venetii Keltic 'siblings'. However the Venetii weren't against the Kelts or Bruttii when they came to dispose of the Tarquin ancestry of Etruscans and Rome turned into a reality. We will cover this significantly more under the "riddle" of the Battle of Alalia.

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