Sunday, May 29, 2016

Great morning Roy, great morning Joseth.

Gotthard Base Tunnel 2016 Great morning Roy, great morning Joseth.

Roy... You have in your reality's history a superb case of what life is about in the physical world and what it is that you are doing here.

Quality Rodenberry lived on your planet in the most recent century and was a spirit with a higher attention to how life functions. He was a proficient film maker and managed confused human issues that your reality was confronting in his time. His Star Trek arrangement was known worldwide and had a large number of adherents.

One of his arrangement "Voyager," had another component added to it that gave humankind a decent look at how life functions in the physical world and your motivation in it. The new component was the "holodeck." Simplistically, the holodeck is a decent case of how humanity shows his contemplations into physical experience. Your physical world is especially similar to a holodeck; truth be told that is precisely what it is.

In the Voyager arrangement the holodeck was a superb development intended for entertainment and investigation incorporated with a controlled domain in an exceptional room on the star ship Voyager.

This room could be modified to make any physical condition that the developer might need to encounter.

From the brain of the developer a wonderful sunny day on a white sandy shoreline imparted to the one she adores could be knowledgeable about physical reality. The view, the composition of the sand, the hot sun and the cool sea breeze and the diverse scents were genuine and experienced physically in time and space.

A wild fight with outsiders or an illuminating meeting with Leonardo de Vinci could be modified voluntarily into the holodeck and experienced as existent the length of the system was running.

The greater part of the human faculties would confirm the holodeck pictures as genuine the length of the brain of the member was permitted flexibility to concentrate on the pictures in time and place.

Wellbeing conventions were customized into the holodeck to guarantee that no mischief could ever go to the members while in the room. Nobody would ever be hurt unless they was and whenever the summon "PC end project," would be made to cease the experience.

The holodeck experience is an immaculate case of how the physical universe functions.

Mankind is another part of who I am. I (God/Creator) am an indistinct vitality substance with awareness. I can and do exist in a boundless number of structures in your physical reality. Mankind is only a little part of who I am. Physical the truth is another way that I can encounter myself and I do that through you. The physical universe is my holodeck and you were made so I may encounter myself in physical structure. You were given autonomy and opportunity to program the physical universe in any case that you fancied. The physical world is the thing that you are customizing; it is the indication of your considerations made in things, objects and different creatures.

Each one of you is modifying your own particular world independently and as a team with different parts of myself/yourself or souls.

Before you are conceived, you choose what it is that you need to encounter physically. You choose you time of birth, the guardians that will doubtlessly encourage that experience and the time, spot and circumstances of your passing. Every one of this is finished with wellbeing conventions work in, so that the spirit can't be harmed. Your physical body is not who you are, it is who you trust you are. You were given the endowment of distraction with the goal that you could encounter the physical domain as genuine. For the time you are in the physical universe, it will be genuine for you, yet indeed it is only a fantasy or projection of your separately musings.

In an interminable time of disclosure and diversion, I will know myself through you as you experience yourself freely of me through numerous such domains of presence. You are a part of me; we are constantly associated and isolated by a hallucination of time and space. You have all my properties and attributes, you basically don't have any acquaintance with it, you have overlooked and it is suitable that you do. Be that as it may, you are not casualties of circumstances, you are making them. You are the software engineer and the member in what you are encountering in your life as of now; it is the thing that you covet at some level of your awareness. In the event that you don't wish to encounter the life that you have made, re-program it or give the summon to "end program."

Your life and your encounters are as great or awful as you have envisioned, yet for your spirit, your life and its circumstances are intentional. You are the software engineer and you have the ability to change any component of your experience that you want, yet you should realize that you can do it for it to work. It won't work with confidence, trust, or conviction, however with knowing.

Knowing is outright and to know something is to experience it as reality right now you have the idea. Confidence, trust and conviction are ventures to knowing. The quickest approach to get were you need to go is to realize that you are now there.

Quality Rodenberry's "holodeck was a magnificent development, however pales in the shadow of the holodeck that I have made for you, I call it "the universe." You are the skipper, this is your boat, make the orders as you see fit, you can't be hurt in any capacity, your duration is ensured by me, for you are me in physical structure and I would not hurt myself.

The consciousness of which I have quite recently directed ought to give you some solace on your stay in the physical domain. It additionally gives you a gigantic point of preference in realizing that you can change your experience or end it. When you can move past your center and perceive how it functions you will never need to abandon it. This domain or holodeck that you are currently encountering is the main place that you can encounter the five physical faculties. These faculties permit you to taste, touch, notice, see and hear the earth of which you are making and are a bit much in different domains. It is these faculties that are extremely addicting and keep souls returning consistently to your reality.

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